Saturday, June 11, 2011

She Floats!

If you take a look of the pictures from earlier today the boat floats, the motor runs and all is right with the world. We had a lit of fun at turkey creek on the boats maiden voyage. I did have a moment of panic about five minutes in when I Noticed we had a little bit of water in it. Maybe a cup or two total. I kept watching it and no more came in so it must have come in when I got into the boat. We were out for over an hour and not a single problem developed other than a few spots in the paint. I hate painting so I wasn't surprised. I am really glad about using the 6oz cloth and totally fiberglassing the hull. It really paid off on the boat ramp. Still some finish work to do when the winter gets here, but for now we are just going to fish(I'll have to learn this one), have fun, and enjoy her. Thanks everyone for following me on my journey, we will keep posting pics of where we take her and anything that I change.

Maiden Voyage

Monday, June 6, 2011


Finally got the boat registered today. So that means the maiden voyage will be either Saturday or Tuesday. It will probably be Tuesday because my wife will be off.  can't wait really excited!