So. I bought a book.
Instant boatbuilding with dynamite payson
. Then I read the whole thing and in the process realized I would like a boat that I can row, sail, and power. I also realized I wanted something really cheap that I could also car-top. So, The cartopper fit the bill perfectly. It should only take a few weekends to get most of it built then paint, oars, sail, and fitting out should take another day. Work kind of has me pressed for time, and I want something to sail or go up rivers with right now.
So the basic materials list:
4 sheets of 1/4" ply
10 yards of glass
3inch fiberglass take
2 gallons of resin
a little bit of lumber for gunwales, mast, transom, and seat
wood flour
and finished
I already have the plywood, and nails. I need fiber resin and tape next.
Then we can really get started on this little build.
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